Implementations of Data Structures and Algorithms in C#.
I started writing this organized collection of classes as part of my preparation for technical interviews. This is for educational purposes only. However, the source code is stable.
This is a .NET solution and it can be opened with both Xmarian (MonoDevelop) and Visual Studio. It has two separate projects: 1) Algorithms, 2) DataStructures. Both of them are class-library projects.
- Single-Linked List.
- Double-Linked List.
- Array List. A generic arrays-based list. Implements auto-resizing and handles overflow.
- Stack. Based on my ArrayList<T>.
- Queue. Based on my ArrayList<T>.
- Priority Queue. Based on my MaxHeap<T>.
- Keyed Priority Queue. Based on my MaxHeap<T>.
- Binary Min-Heap. Uses the ArrayList<T> class.
- Binary Max-Heap. Uses the ArrayList<T> class.
- Binomial Min-Heap. Work in progress.
- Binary Search Tree. Standard BST.
- Augmented Binary Search Tree. A BST that is augmented to keep track of the subtrees-size for each node. Extends the BinarySearchTree<T> class.
- AVL Tree. The self-balancing AVL binary-search tree. Extends the BinarySearchTree<T> class.
- Prime Hashing Family. Implements a simple family of hash functions using primes. The functions are initialized by randomly selecting primes. Supports re-generation of functions.
- Universal Hashing Family. Implements a family class of simple universal-hashing functions. Supports re-generation of functions. It uses the Common/PrimesList helper class.
- Chained Hash Table. A hash table that implements the Separate-Chaining scheme for resolving keys-collisions. It also implements auto-resizing (expansion and contraction).
- Cuckoo Hash Table. A hash table that implements the Cuckoo Hashing algorithm for resolving keys-collisions. This is a single-table implementation, the source behind this is the work of Mark Allen Weiss, 2014.
Sorting algorithms are implemented as an extension method. They support the native Array<T>, and List<T> classes. They can takes value comparers. Insertion Sort supports my ArrayList<T> class.
BST Sort. Implements an unbalanced binary search tree sort.
Counting Sort. Only sorts arrays of integers.
int[] array = new int[] { 23, 42, 4, 16, 8, 15, 3, 9, 55, 0 }; List<long> list = new List<long> () { 23, 42, 4, 16, 8, 15, 3, 9, 55, 0 }; // The value comparer object. Can be any value comparer that implmenets IComparer. var valueComparer = Comparer<long>.Default; list.InsertionSort (valueComparer); list.QuickSort (valueComparer); list.MergeSort (valueComparer); list.HeapSort (valueComparer); list.UnbalancedBSTSort(); array.CountingSort();
- Tree Drawer. Draws any tree that extends my BinarySearchTree<T> class. It is defined as an extension function.
var avlTree = new AVLTree<int>(); var treeDataList = new List<int>() { 15, 25, 5, 12, 1, 9, 7, -1, 11, 30, 8, 10, 13, 28, 39 }; avlTree.Insert(treeDataList); Console.WriteLine( avlTree.DrawTree() ); /*** ** Drawer output: ** .......9...... ** / \ ** .5 ....12... ** / \ / \ ** 1 7 11 .25. ** /\ / \ /\ / \ ** -1 8 10 15 30 ** /\ /\ /\ /\ / \ ** 13 28 39 ** /\ /\ /\ */
This project is licensed under the MIT License.