- Skip Lists.
Allows inserting duplicates.Done.- Supports only unique elements.
- Sorted Lists.
- Self-organizing Lists.
- Radix Trees.
- Suffix Trees.
- Ternary Trees.
- K-anry Trees.
- R-tree.
- R*_tree
- R+_tree.
- (R) Hilbert tree.
- B-Trees.
- B+_Trees
- B*_Trees.
- AA-Trees.
- TreeSet, and TreeMap.
- Scapegoat Trees.
- Threaded Binary Tree.
- Weight-balanced Trees.
- Treaps.
- Fibonacci heaps.
- Binomial-Max Heaps.
- Disjoint Set.
- Bit Arrays and Bit Sets.
- van Emde Boas data structure.
- Hash Tables / Maps:
- Hash Set.
- Multiset / Bag.
- Multimap / Multihash Table.
- A textbook implementation of open-addressing hash table with double hashing / re-hasing.
Undirected Weighted Graphs (Sparse & Dense implementations).- Multigraphs: Graphs with multiple edges. @Wikipedia.
- Mixed Graphs. @Wikipedia.
- (Probabilistic) Graphical Models:
- Bayesian Networks. @Wikipedia, @another link.
- Markov Network. @Wikipedia.
- Randomization algorithms.
- Network-flow algorithms.
- String searching algorithms.
- Minimmum-Spanning Trees.
- A-Star graphs searching algorithm.
- Graphs: Bidirectional searching algorithm.
- Graphs: All pairs shortest paths.
- Graphs: Single-destination all sources shortest paths.
- Graphs: Explore more shortest-paths algorithms @Wikipedia.
- Graphs: Algorithms support for Undirected Weighted Graphs.
- Graphs: Disjoint union of graphs. @Wikipedia.
- Graphs: Cartesian Product of graphs. @Wikipedia.
- Bugfix Bellman-Ford algorithm.
- MIT's Introduction to Algorithms:
- Youtube.
- MIT's Advanced Data Structures Course:
- Youtube.
- MIT's Design and Analysis of Algorithms Course:
- Stellar Site
- Youtube
- List of Algorithms, Wikipedia.
- List of Data Structures, Wikipedia.