If a script doesn't support a shell, the shells which it supports will be on the right of the script name, shell support is indicated by; 🐚 = Bash | 🇿 = Zsh | 🐟 = Fish
Converted GUIs
Launch apps with a CLI interface
Waybar but it's written in shell and runs in your terminal
Bttr CLI
A an easy to use CLI promp-based QEMU manager
repoman - Being reworked
A simple promp-based UI to manage branches, remotes and licenses in a git repo
EZ Utilities
ezsh 🐚 🇿
The easiest way to initialize a new .sh script, when running it and a location of a new .sh script after it, it will automatically make the latter script executable and add it to your .zshrc / .bashrc
ezpy 🐚 🇿
Simple script to make starting work on (& using) new python programs easier
Git clone repos with more easy than ever
Find and cd into a folder wthout hassle, just run ezcd foldername
and you're good to go
LZ Utilities
It's howtogit.sh but instead of being for people with poor memory it's for people who make wayyyy too many commits than they should and are tired of going trough their zhs history to paste the same three things over and over again instead of actually testing stuff before pushing it so they don't have to push and push.
lzfi.sh | Lazy(wi-)fi.sh - WIP (almost ready)
Connect to networks from your terminal using a prompt-based interface
Helpful scripts
Automatically & easily find and edit .desktop files with your text editor of choice.
An easily accessible, usable and fast terminal calculator.
Backup a location, folder or a file easily in a tar archive.
Control your volume from the terminal with a clean and minimal TUI-like interface.
Ever forget how to git push? Well this won't help you with remembering, but it will help you push that quick fix to hide your mistakes.
Fun scripts
Have random ascii art or .txt files you want to display at random? Then read the name and click the link :3
- (Reading this text and wondering what this script could be, the curiosity fills you with determination.)
A doomsday clock in your own terminal! Set a date and watch as you slowly have less and less time...
"Time is just an illusion, there is only the now." – Master Sifu