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I did this project for the case that Teknasyon wanted.

I will make updates here. However, these updates are independent of the case. I will complete the deficiencies of the project. This project is like a small demo application in my hand.

Teknasyon Banking API

This is a simple banking API that allows you to create, update, delete and list bank accounts, load money into them and transfer money between them.

Table of Contents


The project has the following features:

  • Account Management
    • Create a new account
    • Freeze, Lock, Suspend and Activate an account
    • Load money into an account
    • Withdraw money from an account
  • Transfer Management
    • Transfer money between accounts
  • Transaction Management
    • List transactions of an account
    • List transactions between two dates
    • List transactions with filters
  • Authentication
    • Passwordless Architecture
    • Login with email and OTP
    • Register with email and verify account
  • Database and Security
    • PostgreSQL as database, indexed and normalized
    • Redis for session management
    • JWT RS256
  • Scalability
    • Scale with Docker Swarm
    • Load balancing with Docker Swarm
  • Advanced options
    • Email notification for incoming/outgoing transactions
    • Processing fee for each transaction


To install the project, you need to have Docker, Docker Swarm and Docker Compose installed on your machine. You can install them from the following links:

After installing the required tools, you can enable the swarm mode on your machine by running the following command:

docker swarm init

Then, you will be able to start the project with the one following command:

make burn

Or, you can start the project with the following commands:

make temp
make jwt
make env
make network
make compose
make secret-register
make build-app
make start-app

This command will start the project with the following services:

  • API: The main API service that serves the endpoints.
  • Database: The PostgreSQL database service that stores the data.
  • Redis: The Redis service that stores the session data.
  • JWT: The JWT service that generates and verifies the JWT tokens.
  • Environment: The environment service that loads the environment variables.


You can access postman collection from the following link: Postman Collection

You can use the following commands to manage the project:

  • Burn the project: make burn

Burn is enough to start the project. However, you can use the following commands to manage the project:

  • Stop the project: make stop
  • Environment Variables: make env
  • JWT Secrets: make jwt
  • Docker Network: make network
  • Register JWT to Docker Secrets: make secret-register
  • Restart the project: make reload
  • Generate Requirements: make reqs
  • Remove All Docker Assets: make clean-docker
  • Remove All Assets: make clean-all
  • Clean the project: make clean


The project uses Jaeger for tracing, Prometheus for monitoring and zipkin for distributed tracing. You can access the following URLs to monitor the project:

SMTP Credentials

The project uses SMTP for sending emails. You can set the SMTP credentials in the .env file. The following variables are required:

  • SMTP_HOST: The SMTP host address
  • SMTP_PORT: The SMTP port
  • SMTP_FROM: The SMTP from address
  • SMTP_SENDER: The SMTP username
  • SMTP_PASSWORD: The SMTP password

If you in the Teknasyon Team, contact me for testing credentials.

After updating the .env file, you should run the following command:

make reload


The project uses a passwordless architecture for authentication.

  • Register: The user sends an email to the API to get an Verification Code. The API sends a Verification Code to the user's email. The user sends the Verification Code to the API to register.
  • Login: The user sends an email to the API to get an OTP. The API sends an OTP to the user's email. The user sends the OTP to the API to get a JWT token.

Register Logic:

Register Logic

Login Logic:

Login Logic

Load Balancing

The project uses Docker Swarm for load balancing. You can scale the API service with the following command:

docker service scale 9ssi7banking=3

This command will scale the API service to 3 replicas. You can check the status of the services with the following command:

docker service ls

You can access the API from the following URL:



This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.