- nmap2excel.py - nmap to excel converter (gnmap to .xls). Currently supports gnmap format. Takes the output of a Greppable NMAP scan results, filtered on OPEN ports per IP/Node, and then populates an excel spreadsheet with the findings. Incorporating Styles Headings and Sheets where required.
- SimpleServer.py/SimpleClient.py - simple TCP Server and associated TCP Client.
- server2shell.py/client2shell.py - native server/client python reverse shell implementation
- ip2binary.py - ip address to binary notation converter.
- port2scan.py - quick and dirty tcp active port scanner
- url2scraper.py - urlscraper. Simple scraper to listout all HREF's within a choosen domain.
- ftp2brute.py - ftp brute forcer. Simple ftp brute force utility.
- ascii2hex.py - ascii string to hex converter.
- csrf2html.py - csrf to html generator. This allows input of a poc http GET/POST request as input with the resulting output being a poc html payload.
- atbash2decrypt - This script takes an 'atbash cipher' encrypted base64 string, whose output is original clear text
- weather.py - Pulls stats from Open Weather Map
- text2convert.py - Converts plaintext input to Dec, Octal, Binary, Hex output
- ping2sweep.py - Performs a PING sweep given an IP Range
- crackitycrack.sh - Bash Shell MD5 cracker
- hexBytes - Produces a list of all hex characters, in hex format
- raw2hex - Takes raw hex e.g. aabbcc and outputs in curated format e.g. \xaa\xbb\xcc
Download available at the following location: nmap2excel
nmap2excel.py -i file -o file -t [output input file contents to terminal]
-i .gnmap format file
-o filename of your chosen output file (appends .xls)
-t terminal output
Download available at the following location: SimpleServer
SimpleServer.py <host> <port>
host - chosen server IP address
port - chosen listening port
Download available at the following location: SimpleClient
SimpleClient.py <host> <port>
host - server IP address to connect to
port - server port to connect to
Download available at the following location: Server2Shell
server2shell.py -t <bind address> -p <bind port>
<bind address> - server IP address to bind to, in order to allow a client to connect
<bind port> - server port to bind to, in order to allow a client to connect
Download available at the following location: Client2Shell
client2shell.py -t <target host> -p <target port>
<target address> - server IP address to connect to
<target port> - server port to connect to
Download available at the following location: ip2binary
ip2binary.py <ip_address to be converted>
ip2binary.exe <ip_address to be converted>
<ip_address to be converted> - Requires a valid IP address in dot notation e.g.
Download available at the following location: port2scan
port2scan.py <host> [<ports seperated by spaces>]
port2scan.py www.google.com 21 22 80
Download available at the following location: url2scraper
url2scraper.py -i <host file> -o <output file> -t <pipes output to terminal>
NOTE: -o and -t: Optional
url2scraper.py -i hosts.txt -o somefile.txt -t
Download available at the following location: ftp2brute
pip install -r requirements.txt
ftp2brute.py <host> <user> <wordlist>
Default port in use 'tcp/21'
ftp2brute.py root wordlist.txt
Download available at the following location: ascii2hex
ascii2hex.py -x '<string>'
ascii2hex.py -a "Glyph"
Download available at the following location: csrf2html
csrf2html.py '<POC Request Filename>'
csrf2html.py poc.txt
Download available at the following location: atbash2decrypt
atbash2decrypt.py '<base64 encrypted text>'
atbash2decrypt.py "FTV1MCxdxnJ="
Download available at the following location: weather
Download available at the following location: text2convert
text2convert.py -[dobx] "<string to convert>"
Example 1: [+] text2convert.py -d "string to convert"
Example 2: [+] text2convert.py -do "string to convert"
Example 3: [+] text2convert.py -dob "string to convert"
Example 4: [+] text2convert.py -dobx "string to convert"
Download available at the following location: ping2sweep
ping2sweep <IPAddress Range> [-o] <optional output file>
ping2sweep -o sweep.txt
| 'ping2sweep.py' |
| Author: ⅁lyph |
[+] Sweeping host(s) ...
[-] Host: unreachable
[+] Host: reachable
Download shell script and run accordingly
crackitycrack.sh <hash> <wordlist>
./crackitycrack.sh 26323c16d5f4dabff3bb136f2460a943 wordlist.txt
Trying: qazwsx
| Cracked Hash: 26323c16d5f4dabff3bb136f2460a943
| Cleartext : onceuponatime
Just run the script
Download available at the following location: raw2hex
./raw2hex.py aabbcc
[+] Converted: \xaa\xbb\xcc