Text Buffer Terminal class for MicroPython
You can redirect REPL to this buffer.
- Hardware and software scrolling
- All orientations supported
- 256 ANSI color mode for background and foreground colors
- Regular and Bold font
While the original project had HAL support, this project ties in directly with russhughes's st7789 driver. The example below duplicates REPL output to a ST7789 compatible display connected to ESP32 via SPI.
import st7789
import terminus_bold
import terminus_regular
import tft_config
from tbterm import TBTerm
import os
rotation = 1
scr = TBTerm(tft_config.config(rotation), terminus_regular, terminus_bold, rotation)
print("\033[38;5;206;48;5;57mHello World!\033[0m \033[38;5;253;48;5;201;1mHello World!\033[0m \033[38;5;18;48;5;20mHello World!\033[0m")
print("\033[91;102;1mHello World!\033[0m \033[92;103mHello World!\033[0m \033[93;104;1mHello World!\033[0m")
terminus.py and terminus_bold.py, both converted from the original Terminus font, are the fonts I am using for the screenshots.