A suite of tools for managing the fans in many Dell laptops.
Spawn a command prompt as SYSTEM from logon screen while protecting against unauthorized access
Translations for and games. You can do pull requests to improve translations!,
Forward msgs easily, use a middle discord server to prevent that the accounts are banned from the target server.
SignApk is used to sign the apk file after repack. The easiest way ever.
An OSINT tool to quickly extract IP and URL endpoints from APKs by disassembling and decompiling
A script that gets the IP of the current server where you're playing, without the need of extensions.
It makes uglies
A Collection of Scripts Which Disable / Remove Windows 10 Features and Apps
Windows NT oprerating system GUI documentation project, and its history.
OrthodoxWindows / BasicThemer5
Forked from 7kt4/BasicThemer5The most lightweight basic themer yet. -Archive copy-
Fix small caption buttons in fullscreen mode on Windows 10/11. -Archive copy-
Batch script to switch the different versions of the uDWM.dll file
Classic Shell Reborn.
Collection of batch scripts to change the appearance of the Windows 8+ user interface. An extension of the .theme ini files.
The official collection of Windhawk mods
OrthodoxWindows / uwp-cleaner
Forked from 7kt4/uwp-cleanerAutomatically end UWP processes when no UWP apps are open. -Archive copy-
Recolorize Win32 controls in-memory with accent color without patching theme
Scripts to toggle Windows settings, whether they are officially changeable settings or by using additional tools.
Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted Android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device.
Fix small caption buttons in fullscreen mode on Windows 10/11.
Add custom effect to global system title bar, support win10 and win11.
C++ DLL for Windhawk that makes all windows have thick borders like in Windows 7
One-click persistent name-dependent high process priority for Windows.