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Ethereum IDE in VSCode

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System support

  • Linux, Mac, Windows

Usage instructions

ctrl+alt+e - activate the plugin. Screenshot from 2019-09-28 23-04-40

ctrl+alt+c - compile contracts. Screenshot from 2019-09-28 23-05-13

ctrl+alt+t - run unit testing. Screenshot from 2019-10-30 20-00-05

Note: compilation with latest/default version is faster. compilation with any other selected version can be slower as it loads the compiler version from internet.

Vyper support

Please install vyper compiler for compiling vyper contracts in ethcode. Instructions for vyper compiler installation can be found on official vyper documentation -


Please help ethcode developers continue their work.

Ethereum donation address: 0xd22fE4aEFed0A984B1165dc24095728EE7005a36


Run following commands in the terminal

yarn install
yarn run build

And then press F5, in Extension Development Host session, run Ethereum: Solidity compile command from command palette.


vsce package --yarn


Step 1: Login to and generate PAT

Step 2:

vsce login quantanetwork
vsce publish 0.1.4 -p <access token> --yarn
git push origin v0.1.4

Extension marketplace link -

Under the hood

Things we did on top of Create React App TypeScript template

  • We inline index.html content in ext-src/extension.ts when creating the webview
  • We set strict security policy for accessing resources in the webview.
    • Only resources in /build can be accessed
    • Only resources whose scheme is vscode-resource can be accessed.
  • For all resources we are going to use in the webview, we change their schemes to vscode-resource
  • Since we only allow local resources, absolute path for styles/images (e.g., /static/media/logo.svg) will not work. We add a .env file which sets PUBLIC_URL to ./ and after bundling, resource urls will be relative.
  • We add baseUrl <base href="${vscode.Uri.file(path.join(this._extensionPath, 'build')).with({ scheme: 'vscode-resource' })}/"> and then all relative paths work.

Code formatting

Add following lines in vscode settings.json

"typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets": false,
"typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces": true,
"typescript.format.semicolons": "insert"
