I'm really sorry to announce this, but my schedules have been too tight for me the last months that I can't find good time to maintain this project. I'm looking for a possible maintainer to transfer this project to, someone who is sure to perfectly handle it and keep it updated. Please drop me a message on youssef.kbe@gmail.com.
A new Flutter plugin that uses native platform views to show Admob banner ads!
This plugin also has support for Interstitial and Reward ads.
This is an early version of the plugin, my primary goal was to overcome the banner ads positioning limitations by implementing a platform views solution, and keeping things simple and stupid because I'm still learning about many Flutter related stuff. I will actively work on adding missing features, improving, and refactoring the code in my free time.
Currently working on Android only, but iOS support will be available so soon.
Add this to your pubspec.yml dependencies:
admob_flutter: "^0.3.0"
>= iOS0.2.0
>= AndroidX- FlutterSdk >=2.1.0 < 3.0.0
Add your AdMob App ID to your app's AndroidManifest.xml file by adding the tag shown below. You can find your App ID in the AdMob UI. For android:value insert your own AdMob App ID in quotes, as shown below.
You can use this test App ID from Admob for development:
Update your Info.plist
per Firebase instructions.
First thing to do before attempting to show any ads is to initialize the plugin. You can do this in the earliest starting point of your app, your main
import 'package:admob_flutter/admob_flutter.dart';
void main() {
This plugin uses Native Platform Views to show Admob banner ads thus, same as any other widget, there's no limitations on where to place your banners.
adUnitId: getBannerAdUnitId(),
adSize: AdmobBannerSize.BANNER,
The plugin provides all banner sizes supported by Admob, and will wrap the banner with a correctly sized Container
so you don't worry about your ad displaying incorrectly:
: 320x50AdmobBannerSize.LARGE_BANNER
: 320x100AdmobBannerSize.MEDIUM_RECTANGLE
: 300x250AdmobBannerSize.FULL_BANNER
: 468x60AdmobBannerSize.LEADERBOARD
: 728x90AdmobBannerSize.SMART_BANNER
: Wrap in a container with a size of your choice
You can attach a listener to your ads in order to customize their behavior like this:
adUnitId: getBannerAdUnitId(),
adSize: AdmobBannerSize.BANNER,
listener: (AdmobAdEvent event, Map<String, dynamic> args) {
switch (event) {
case AdmobAdEvent.loaded:
print('Admob banner loaded!');
case AdmobAdEvent.opened:
print('Admob banner opened!');
case AdmobAdEvent.closed:
print('Admob banner closed!');
case AdmobAdEvent.failedToLoad:
print('Admob banner failed to load. Error code: ${args['errorCode']}');
// First, create an interstitial ad
AdmobInterstitial interstitialAd = AdmobInterstitial(
adUnitId: getInterstitialAdUnitId(),
// Interstitials must be loaded before shown.
// Make sure to always load them ahead so they can be
// available to be shown immediately to the user
// Check if the ad is loaded and then show it
if (await interstitialAd.isLoaded) {
// Finally, make sure you dispose the ad if you're done with it
Same as banner ads, you can attach a listener to interstitials too. For example if you wish to:
- Show the interstitial as soon as it is loaded
- Load a new ad and show it as soon as the old one is closed
- Get your users stuck in an interstitial ads loop to maximize revenue
- Get your Admob account banned and lose all your earnings
You can do something like this (Don't do it!):
AdmobInterstitial interstitialAd;
interstitialAd = AdmobInterstitial(
adUnitId: getInterstitialAdUnitId(),
listener: (AdmobAdEvent event, Map<String, dynamic> args) {
if (event == AdmobAdEvent.loaded) interstitialAd.show();
if (event == AdmobAdEvent.closed) interstitialAd.load();
if (event == AdmobAdEvent.failedToLoad) {
// Start hoping they didn't just ban your account :)
print("Error code: ${args['errorCode']}");
// First, create a reward ad
AdmobReward rewardAd = AdmobReward(
adUnitId: getRewardBasedVideoAdUnitId(),
// Reward ads must be loaded before shown.
// Make sure to always load them ahead so they can be
// available to be shown immediately to the user
// Check if the ad is loaded and then show it
if (await rewardAd.isLoaded) {
// Finally, make sure you dispose the ad if you're done with it
Listening to reward ads events works the same as with banners and interstitials, except that rewards have some additional events. One of them is the rewarded
event which you should listen to so you know whether your users have earned the reward or not:
AdmobReward rewardAd = AdmobReward(
adUnitId: getRewardBasedVideoAdUnitId(),
listener: (AdmobAdEvent event, Map<String, dynamic> args) {
if (event == AdmobAdEvent.rewarded) {
print('User was rewarded!');
print('Reward type: ${args['type']}');
print('Reward amount: ${args['amount']}');
Coming soon!
Coming soon!