Onboarding of a new robot requires an Onboarding file that may be avaialable for you already. If your robot is in this list you may use this template and just adjust it to the minor changes you may have. If your robot, however is not in the list, you will have to generate the onboarding template before. This template is a json that needs to be included in the body of the http request. Download the script and run it in your robot:
python3 onboarding_robot.py
The json file generated is with name robot_onboarding_v1.json.
Copy from the newly created json file the section rosNodes and paste it in a local copy of the robot template
To add sensors in the field sensors, follow this json structure:
"name": "cameraSensor",
"type": "Camera",
"description": "RGDB camera sensor",
"nodes": [
"number": 1
To add an actuator in the field actuators:
"name": "RightEyebrow",
"type": "Rotatory",
"number": 1,
"nodes": [
To add a manipulator in the field manipulators:
"name": "manipulator1",
"type": "Rotatory",
"number": 1,
"nodes": [
Complete the rest of the template by taking into considerations the accepted values for each of the fields:
Note: Copy to the template as is. Capitals and lowercase matters.
ROS Versions: Foxy, Galactic, Melodic, Eloquent, Noetic, Lunar, Kinetic, Indigo, Hydro, Fuerte, Groovy, Electric, Humble, Crystal, Bouncy, Dashing, Ardent
Sensor types: Laser, Ultrasonic, Infrared, Touch, Color, Temperature, Gyro, Imu, Camera, DepthCamera, Accelerometer, Gps, Encoder, Microphone, BatterySensor, Speaker, Display, Light
Robot Locomotion Types: Walking, Rolling, Hopping, Slithering, Swimming, Brachiating, Flying, Hybrid, None
Robot Locomotion Systems: Bipedal, Hexapodal, Quadripod, Tracked, Ackermann, Differential, None
Robot Actuator Types: Prismatic, Rotatory.
Also, make sure to update the onboarded time parameter at the last line.
Following, prepare your http request using postman or your prefered editor. The endpoint you will be calling is:
Make sure to change localhost to the IP address of the gateway of the middleware. You may get it my running the command:
watch -c kubectl get all -n middleware
You will have to add the content of the output script from the onboarding to the body of the script.
The headers required for this request should be the ones indicated in the image below.
Your robot was succesfully onboarded if you get a 200 http response.