- Quantum Espresso Draw Tools(QEDT) is Tools for Draw or Plot Band Structure, Phonon Dispersion, Raman Spectra, etc.
- .bash_alias
- some alias for convenince
- all alias start with "."
- read .bash_alias/README.md
- usage:
# ignore .bash_alias_custom. it is just my environment.
vi [your QEDT path]/.bash_alias/.bash_alias_base
{ignore source .bash_alias_custom}
# open .bash file
vi ~/.bashrc
# wirte to .bashrc file
. [your QEDT path]/.bash_alias/.bash_alias_base
# save .bashrc file and refresh
- bash_example: some example for using bash script
- Draw: Draw/Plot with python
- Module: Module for Using QE or Linux Terminal.
- OS: Check OS State.
- py_file: Check python State.
- tmp: unfinished files. this directory exists for test.
- Util: Util for Using QE or Linux Terminal.
- bash
- Some Bash Script may require bash4.
- python
- matplotlib
- numpy