Repository contains demo project for implementing Authentication process using Spring Security.
- Java version :
- Spring version :
- Spring Security :
- Postgresql for storing database tables
- Lombok for using annotations
- JWT for creating web tokens in authentication
- spring-boot-starter-mail for sending emails after user registration
- Implementing full user registration and login process by using Spring Security with JWT .
- Using Email verification to verify user emails during 15 minutes from the registration .
- Checking for the activation of registered user during login to ensure that user email is correct and valid for using .
- Providing more secure way to take this application to the next level of security by implementing refresh token.
- Using
in exceptions directory to handle most edge cases that may happen during authentication process.
A refresh token is a special key that enables a client for an API or service to retrieve new access tokens without requiring the user to perform a complete login. In other words, an application can exchange a valid refresh token for a new access token. Ideally, access tokens expire after a short period, whereas refresh tokens live for a long time.
add all
plugins. -
fill your properties in
spring.datasource.url= [YOUR_DB_URL]
spring.datasource.username = [DB_USER_NAME]
spring.datasource.password=[password : *********]
Generate your 256-bit secret key and replace it into :
Create new email for using google SMTP or use your personal gmail by replacing all fields :
spring.mail.username=[your_gmail] spring.mail.password=[your_password]