Pull Request has been approved and can be merged
Pull Request needs changes before it can be reviewed again
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Extra attention is needed
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Automatically create a new major version tag after PR is merged
Merge the PR automatically once all status checks have passed
Pull Request has been merged successfully
Automatically create a new minor version tag after PR is merged
Pull Request needs more approvals
This PR does not have a Jira Ticket
Automatically create a new patch version tag after PR is merged
Review Changes are requested
Denotes a Pull Request that changes 100-499 lines.
Denotes a Pull Request that changes 30-99 lines.
Denotes a Pull Request that changes 10-29 lines.
Denotes a Pull Request that changes 500-999 lines.
Denotes a Pull Request that changes 0-9 lines.
Denotes a Pull Request that changes 1000+ lines.
Pull requests that update Python code