Approaches to Testing React Components
A great starting point to testing, looking at the main ways you can test component structure and state handling -
Simple React/Redux Testing
Looks at how to test rendering, behavior, and state of an application -
Test Driven React Tutorial
Describes project setup and basic approaches, using the common stack of Webpack+Karma+Mocha+Chai+Sinon -
How to Test React.js Components
Covers what to test, and how to test things like props and shallow rendering -
Unit Testing a Redux App
Example ways to test pieces of a Redux app, including actions, reducers, and middleware -
React-Boilerplate Testing Docs
Useful description of how to use Mocha, Expect, and Enzyme to test React and Redux code -
Testing React Applications
A long, in-depth article describing approaches and use of Tape, React TestUtils, and Enzyme -
TDD and React Components
Detailed example of using TDD to design and develop a React component, using Teaspoon for testing -
Testing Redux Applications
A great writeup on how to specifically deal with testing pieces of a Redux app. The "Getting Testy" post series also has a lot of really good idea on how to go about writing tests and what kinds of things should be tested. -
Testing with Mocha and Webpack
Some excellent information on setting up a good test environment, including use of the mocha-webpack tool. -
Testing React Components with Teaspoon and Unexpected
A short but useful look at a couple testing libraries and ways to use them. -
Unit Testing React Components and Redux Reducers
 Some basic examples for testing reducers and components. -
Getting Started with TDD in React
Covers a typical Mocha+Chai+JSDOM+Enzyme setup, talks about why/how/what to test, and walks through several examples. -
Unit Testing Redux Container Components
Demonstrates techniques for properly testing Redux-connected React components using a mock store. -
Testing React Applications
A fantastic talk that goes through many important details of trying to test React components under JSDOM. -
Testing in React: Getting Off the Ground
A look at approaches and ways to start testing React components -
Testing React and Redux
A three-part article that shows how to set up Ava and Babel, then walks through testing Redux code (action creators, reducers, selectors, thunks, and sagas), and React components. -
Testing React Applications Examples
A repo showcasing how to test various parts of a common React/Redux app using Mocha, expect and enzyme -
React TDD Guide
A repo with step-by-step commits demonstrating approaches to testing React apps -
Unit Testing React Components that use Redux
Tips on unit testing components that render more Redux-connected components -
Generative Testing using Redux: Reducers
A look at using "generative testing" to autoomatically test reducers with varying inputs -
Some Thoughts on Testing React/Redux Applications
Guidelines and best practices for what and how to test in a React/Redux app -
Test Driving a change to a Redux application - Step by Step
Demonstrates a TDD approach to reworking a Redux app feature -
Idiomatic React Testing Patterns
Several useful patterns for testing React components, with discussion on HN. -
A Step-by-Step TDD Approach on Testing React Components using Enzyme
An excellent article covering TDD, React, and Enzyme. -
How to Test React Components Using Jest
An in-depth look at how to set up and use Jest for testing -
Testing with Jest Snapshots: First Impressions
Description of the pros and cons of using Jest's new Snapshot Testing feature -
Jest Testing Resources
Announcements of updates to the Facebook Jest testing tool, with links to further articles and information. -
Migrating Ava to Jest
Some quick tips on switching your testing config to use Jest -
React UI Testing with Storybook
https://storybooks.js.org/docs/react-storybook/testing/react-ui-testing Looks at using the React Storybook component editor to do UI testing -
Testing React Components with mocha-webpack
Looks at how mocha-webpack can be used to enable faster testing for React components -
Testing React Components with Enzyme and Mocha
Examples of setting up a Webpack+Mocha test environment, and using Enzyme for implementing tests -
Testing for PropType Errors in React
Some quick examples that use Sinon to check for error logging to help verify correct prop usage during testing. -
What to Test in a React App
General guidance on what types of tests you might want to write and what to test for. -
Testing React Applications
A presentation by Max Stoiber, looking at what types of things to test in a React/Redux application, and ways to use tools like Jest to speed up the testing process. -
Good Practices for Testing React Apps
Thoughts on writing end-to-end tests, unit tests, and integration tests for Reaact applications, including treating components as "black boxes". -
Testing React components with Jest and Enzyme
Examples of how to use Jest's snapshot testing and Enzyme's component API to write component tests -
Testing with Webpack 2, inject-loader, Karma, Mocha, Chai, and More
Examples of using these tools to test some complex code, including mocking out dependencies -
Best practices for testing React components using Mocha, Chai, and Enzyme
A number of useful tips for improving component tests, including use of shallow rendering, avoiding errors while testing, and making test code consistent -
The Right Way to Test React Components
Excellent advice on how to determine a component's "contract", what aspects of that are worth testing, and how to approach testing that contract. -
Workship Slides: React and Redux Testing
A slideshow that gives a helpful overview of the React Test Utilities and Enzyme to test React components -
Testing React Applications with Jest
An in-depth explanation of how to use Jest for React testing, including setup, basic test structure, using Enzyme for rendering React components, mocking, and more. -
Never render in React testing again
Some examples of using higher-order functions to simplify test logic -
Low effort, high value: Integration tests in Redux apps
A discussion of the benefits of unit tests vs integration tests, with examples of how to test the various aspects of a Redux app -
Testing React/Redux Applications
Several useful resources for testing, including tips/guidelines, a sample application with tests, and links to more resources. -
React + TDD = Love
A tutorial that walks through a TDD-based approach to building components in an application. -
Testing React Applications
Describes several types of unit tests that can be written in a React app (component tests, component tests, storybook tests), and the intent and benefits of each. -
How to test React and Redux with Redux-Saga and ReactDND
In-depth examples of testing React components using the Teaspoon library, as well as setting up tests for Redux-connected components, Redux-Saga functions, and uses of ReactDND. -
Simplify your Redux unit testing using Tape
Some quick examples of using the Tape library to test Redux reducers, with an accompanying example repo -
Snapshot Testing React with Jest
An excellent explanation of what "snapshot testing" is, and how to apply it to test React components using Jest
Javascript Testing: Unit vs Functional vs Integration
A comparison of the various levels of tests you can run, and what roles they play in development. -
Reddit - "Karma/Mocha/Chai/Sinon setup"
Reddit user Cody_Chaos describes his approach to running unit tests under Node with Mocha, and integration tests in a browser with Karma. Includes several useful config setup snippets. -
Setting Up Javascript Testing Tools for ES6
Tips on configuring tools to work with ES6 code, and writing tests using ES6 -
Keep Calm and Love Javascript Unit Tests - Part 2: Asynchronism
Useful tips for testing asynchronous behavior under Mocha. -
ESLint Part 1: Exploration
A solid look at what ESLint is, how you can use it to help keep your code clean, and a number of useful linting plugins that are available. -
Keep Calm and Love Javascript Unit Tests
An introduction to using Mocha, Chai, and Sinon to write unit tests for various scenarios. -
UI Testing at Urban Airship
In-depth discussion of complexities and approaches for testing real-world UI code, including test runners, mocking, and more. -
Migrating to Jest
Kent C. Dodds describes why and how his team at Paypal switched their test setup to use Jest instead of Ava. -
Web Application Test Strategy
Thoughts on a "test pyramid" approach to testing, balancing speed and results between unit tests, integration tests, and automation. -
Enzyme vs Unexpected-React
A comparison of how Enzyme and Unexpected-React are used in testing React components, with arguments in favor of Unexpected-React -
Jest vs Mocha for React Testing
A comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the Jest and Mocha testing frameworks