Small Expression Parser Using Shunting Yard Algorithm.
This is just a toy project I started as a way to parse Derived Types (my hamiltonian model) from a file/string (and eventually I gave up as it didn't worked well - but I've published anyway), so the point here is not be super performant but flexible enough to allow you write your own parser with some ease, reusing operator overloaded structures that you may have already.
After a while (2022) I finally got it to work with Derived Types by reworking the API to use a token_t
and token_list
that I made a separate package for, fortran-tokenizer.
Although it works as a way to write parsers I do not recommend you using it as a dependency as there are a lot of design issues:
- No Thread safety: I register valid tokens as a global singleton, so multiple parsers are not supported.
- Hard-coded precedence: the operator precedence is currently fixed for a few tokens (desynced with registered ones).
- As it uses an array of strings all tokens must be padded with spaces so they are same-size.
- The current app provides no way to check syntax errors
That being said, I am using it anyway right now and the current public API feels ok, so I will be working on a proper package with a generic version based on this idea soon:tm:.
First get the code, by cloning the repo:
git clone
cd shunting-yard-fortran
This project was designed to be built using the Fortran Package Manager. Follow the directions on that page to install FPM if you haven't already.
To build and run, type:
fpm run
to run the tests type
fpm test
The user of this package should tell the parser what is each token, by using the routines register_*
call p % register_function(["sin ", "sqrt"])
call p % register_operator(["+ ", "- ",&
"* ", "/ "])
call p % register_operator(["^ "], is_right_assoc=.true.)
By default, spaces and newlines will be ignored, if you want some other character to be ignored you can use the ignore_tokens
! This will ignore this characters
call p % ignore_tokens([" ", "&", new_line(' ')])
Then, you will need to bind the on_*
functions that will be called to make sense of the tokens
p % on_unary => on_unary
p % on_binary => on_binary
p % on_operand => on_operand
Such functions must respect their related interfaces
abstract interface
function interface_on_binary(self, lhs, opr, rhs) result(ans)
import :: parser_t
class(parser_t) :: self
type(token_t) :: lhs
type(token_t) :: opr
type(token_t) :: rhs
type(token_t) :: ans
end function
function interface_on_operand(self, opr) result(ans)
import :: parser_t
class(parser_t) :: self
type(token_t) :: opr
type(token_t) :: ans
end function
function interface_on_unary(self, opr, arg) result(ans)
import :: parser_t
class(parser_t) :: self
type(token_t) :: opr
type(token_t) :: arg
type(token_t) :: ans
end function
end interface
For example if you want to make sense of "pi" in a expression you must implement the following function.
function on_operand(self, opr) result(ans)
class(parser_t) :: self
type(token_t) :: opr
type(token_t) :: ans
! the `% string` will get the string representation of a token
select case(opr % string)
! the `% object` is a unlimeted polymorphic `class(*)`
! that you can store and retrieve arbitrary information
ans % object = 4*atan(1.)
end select
end function
See more using the example program provided in example/main.f90
where you will find the basic usage of this package.