Integration - tool to run Erigon stages in custom way: run/reset single stage, run all stages but reorg every X blocks, etc...
All commands require parameter --datadir=<datadir>
- I will skip it for readability.
integration --help
integration print_stages
# Run single stage
integration stage_senders
integration stage_exec
integration stage_exec --block=1_000_000 # stop at 1M block
integration stage_hash_state
integration stage_trie
integration stage_history
integration stage_tx_lookup
# Unwind single stage 10 blocks backward
integration stage_exec --unwind=10
# Drop data of single stage
integration stage_exec --reset
integration stage_history --reset
# Unwind single stage N blocks backward
integration stage_exec --unwind=N
integration stage_history --unwind=N
# Run stage prune to block N
integration stage_exec
integration stage_history
# hack which allows to force clear unwind stack of all stages
Pre-requirements of state_stages
- Headers/Bodies must be downloaded
- TxSenders stage must be executed
make all
./build/bin/integration state_stages --datadir=<datadir> --unwind=10 --unwind.every=20 --pprof
integration reset_state # drops all stages after Senders stage (including it's db tables DB tables)
For example:
--unwind=1 --unwind.every=10 # 10 blocks forward, 1 block back, 10 blocks forward, ...
--unwind=10 --unwind.every=1 # 1 block forward, 10 blocks back, 1 blocks forward, ...
--unwind=10 # 10 blocks back, then stop --integrity.slow=false # it performs DB integrity checks each step. You can disable slow or fast checks.
--block # stop at exact blocks
--chaindata.reference # When finish all cycles, does comparison to this db file.
make all
./build/bin/integration stage_hash_state --datadir=<datadir> --reset
./build/bin/integration stage_trie --datadir=<datadir> --reset
# Then run TurobGeth as usually. It will take 2-3 hours to re-calculate dropped db tables