Here is an Arduino sketch that you can upload to an Arduino Uno, to operate the Kallox/Metechs motorized curtains/blinds, which can be purchased at a large number of web shops, for example at:
These Chinese products are pretty picky about the timing of the IR signals, but after a few evenings of experimenting I found the correct timings, which have proven to work every time I tested.
I only provide the 'Open', 'Close' and 'Stop' codes. There are also codes for '1', '2' ... '8' but I couldn't be bothered to find those, as I do not need them.
You need to install the library 'IRremote' in the Arduino IDE (menu 'Sketch' --> 'Include Library' --> 'Manage Libraries...' then search for "IRremote", click on it and press the 'Install' button. I tested with version 2.4.0 .
With some very simple adaptations it is possible to upload this sketch to an ESP-based board like Wemos (LOLIN) D1 mini (Lite) . For that you would need to install the library 'IRremoteESP8266'. I am using version 1.0.0 of it but probably a more recent version will work fine.
Have fun with it!