import akasha
import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your openAI key"
dir_path = "doc/"
prompt = "「塞西莉亞花」的花語是什麼? 「失之交臂的感情」 「赤誠的心」 「浪子的真情」 「無法挽回的愛」"
response = akasha.get_response(dir_path, prompt)
Using parameter "embeddings", you can choose different embedding models, and the embedding model will be used to store documents into vector storage and search relevant documents from prompt. Default is openai:text-embedding-ada-002.
Currently support openai, huggingface and tensorflowhub.
akasha.get_response(dir_path, prompt, embeddings="huggingface:all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
To use huggingface embedding models, you can type huggingface:model_name or hf:model_name, for example, huggingface:all-MiniLM-L6-v2
Using parameter "model", you can choose different text generation models, default is openai:gpt-3.5-turbo.
Currently support openai, llama-cpp and huggingface.
akasha.get_response(dir_path, prompt, embeddings="huggingface:all-MiniLM-L6-v2", model="hf:meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf")
To use text generation model from huggingface, for example, meta llama, you can type hf:meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf
llama-cpp can use quantized llama model and run on cpu, after you download or transfer llama-cpp model file using llama-cpp-python.
akasha.get_response(dir_path, prompt, embeddings="huggingface:all-MiniLM-L6-v2", model="llama-cpu:model/llama-2-13b-chat.ggmlv3.q4_0.bin")
For example, if q4 model is in the "model/" directory, you can assign llama-cpu:model/llama-2-13b-chat.ggmlv3.q4_0.bin to load model.
akasha.get_response(dir_path, prompt, embeddings="huggingface:all-MiniLM-L6-v2", model="llama-gpu:model/llama-2-13b-chat.ggmlv3.q4_0.bin")
you can also combine gpu with cpu to run llama-cpp, using llama-gpu:model/llama-2-13b-chat.ggmlv3.q4_0.bin
Using parameter "search_type", you can choose different search methods to find similar documents , default is merge, which is the combination of mmr, svm and tfidf. Currently you can select merge, mmr, svm and tfidf.
Max Marginal Relevance(mmr) select similar documents by cosine similarity, but it also consider diversity, so it will also penalize document for closeness to already selected documents.
Support Vector Machines(svm) use the input prompt and the documents vectors to train svm model, after training, the svm can be used to score new vectors based on their similarity to the training data.
Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency(tfidf) is a commonly used weighting technique in information retrieval and text mining. TF-IDF is a statistical method used to evaluate the importance of a term in a collection of documents or a corpus with respect to one specific document in the collection.
akasha.get_response(dir_path, prompt, search_type="mmr")
instead of input one single prompt, you can input multiple small stop questions to get better answer.
import akasha
import os
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your openAI key"
dir_path = "mic/"
queries2 = ["西門子自有工廠如何朝工業4.0 發展","詳細解釋「工業4.0 成熟度指數」發展路徑的六個成熟度","根據西門子自有工廠朝工業4.0發展,探討其各項工業4.0的成熟度指標"]
response = akasha.chain_of_thought(dir_path, queries2, search_type='svm')
response 1:
1. 數位化戰略:西門子提出數位化戰略,從工業4.0策略擬定到落地執行,為客戶提供一條龍服務。他們設計數位工廠原型
2. 跨領域合作:西門子近年積極與雲服務商、系統商等跨領域合作,推動智慧製造解決方案。此外,他們也與SAP進行ERP整合,專注於物聯網領域。
3. 虛實整合:西門子在中國大陸成都生產研發基地的案例中,從研發、生產、訂單管理、供應商管理到物流作業
response 2:
1. 電腦化:這是工業4.0發展的起點,指企業開始使用計算機技
2. 可連結:在這個成熟度階段,企業開始將各個IT系統進行連接,實現資料的串聯。這使得不同系統之間可以共享資料,提高資訊的流通效率。例
3. 可視化:在這個成熟度階段,企業開始實現資料的可視化,將資料以圖形化或圖表化的方
4. 可分析:在這個成熟度階段,企業開始進
5. 可預測:在這個成熟度階段,企業開始利用資料分析的結果來進行預測和預測模型的建立。這使得企業可以預測生產過程中可能出現的問題,並
6. 自適應:在這個成熟度階段,企業開始實現自動化和自適應能
response 3:
1. 數位化戰略:西門子提出數位化戰略,從工業4.0策略擬定到落地執行提供一條龍服務
2. 整合系統:西門子在廠內進行軟體間整合,包括PLM、ERP、MOM
3. 數據 應用:西門子利用自有的數位雙生軟體Tecnomatix,打造虛擬工廠,模擬生產狀況或監控實際生產狀況。這代表企業在工業4.0成熟度指標中已經達到了可分析和可預測的階段,並能夠利用
If you want to record experiment metrics and results, you need to create a project on the AiiDO platform. Once done, you will receive all the necessary parameters for automatically uploading the experiment.
Create a .env file on the same directory of your program, and paste all parameters.
.env file
After you created .env file, you can use record_exp to set your experiment name and it will automatically record experiment metrics and results to mlflow server.
import akasha
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your openAI key"
dir_path = "doc/"
prompt = "「塞西莉亞花」的花語是什麼? 「失之交臂的感情」 「赤誠的心」 「浪子的真情」 「無法挽回的愛」"
exp_name = "exp_akasha_get_response"
response = akasha.get_response(dir_path, prompt,record_exp=exp_name)
In an experiment you assign, the run name is the combinations of the usage of embedding, search type and model name
To evaluate the performance of current parameters, you can use function test_performance . First you need to build a question set .txt file based on the documents you want to use, each question in the question set must be a single choice question, every options and the correct answer is separated by space, each line is a question, for example: (question_pvc.txt)
應回收廢塑膠容器材質種類不包含哪種? 聚丙烯(PP) 聚苯乙烯(PS) 聚氯乙烯(PVC) 低密度聚乙烯(LDPE) 4
庫存盤點包括庫存全盤作業及不定期抽盤作業,盤點計畫應包括下列項目不包含哪項? 盤點差異之處理 盤點清冊 各項物品存放區域配置圖 庫存全盤日期及參加盤點人員名單 1
以下和者不是環保署指定之公民營地磅機構? 中森加油站企業有限公司 台益地磅站 大眾地磅站 新福行 4
test_performance will return the correct rate of the question set, details of each question would save in logs, or in mlflow server if you turn on record_exp
import akasha
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your openAI key"
dir_path = "doc/pvc/"
exp_name = "exp_akasha_test_performance"
print(akasha.test_performance("question_pvc.txt", dir_path, search_type='merge',\
model="openai:gpt-3.5-turbo", embeddings="openai:text-embedding-ada-002",record_exp=exp_name))
## 1.0 ##
To test all available combinations and find the best parameters, you can use function optimum_combination , you can give different embeddings, document chunk sizes, models, document similarity searching type and number of most relative documents (topK), and the function will test all combinations to find the best combination based on the given question set and documents.
Noted that best score combination is the highest correct rate combination, and best cost-effective combination is the combination that need least tokens to get a correct answer.
import akasha
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "your openAI key"
os.environ["HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN"] = "your huggingface key"
dir_path = "doc/pvc/"
exp_name = "exp_akasha_optimum_combination"
embeddings_list = ["hf:shibing624/text2vec-base-chinese", "openai:text-embedding-ada-002"]
model_list = ["openai:gpt-3.5-turbo","hf:FlagAlpha/Llama2-Chinese-13b-Chat-4bit","hf:meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf",\
"llama-gpu:model/llama-2-7b-chat.ggmlv3.q8_0.bin", "llama-gpu:model/llama-2-13b-chat.ggmlv3.q8_0.bin"]
akasha.optimum_combination("question_pvc.txt", dir_path, embeddings_list = embeddings_list,model_list = model_list,
chunk_size_list=[200, 400, 600], search_type_list=["merge","tfidf",],record_exp=exp_name,topK_list=[2,3])
The result would look like below
Best correct rate: 1.000
Best score combination:
embeddings: openai:text-embedding-ada-002, chunk size: 400, model: openai:gpt-3.5-turbo, topK: 3, search type: merge
embeddings: openai:text-embedding-ada-002, chunk size: 400, model: openai:gpt-3.5-turbo, topK: 3, search type: tfidf
Best cost-effective:
embeddings: hf:shibing624/text2vec-base-chinese, chunk size: 400, model: openai:gpt-3.5-turbo, topK: 2, search type: tfidf