За переводом сюда ---> Перевод
- Introduction (FINISHED)
- Examples
- Formatting (FINISHED)
- Commentary (FINISHED)
- Names (FINISHED)
- Package names
- Getters
- Interface names
- MixedCaps
- Semicolons (FINISHED)
- Control structures (FINISHED)
- If
- Redeclaration and reassignment
- For
- Switch
- Type switch
- Functions (FINISHED)
- Multiple return values
- Named result parameters
- Defer
- Allocation with new
- Constructors and composite literals
- Allocation with make
- Arrays
- Slices
- Two-dimensional slices
- Maps
- Printing
- Append
- Initialization (FINISHED)
- Constants
- Variables
- The init function
- Methods (FINISHED)
- Pointers vs. Values
- Interfaces and other types (FINISHED)
- Interfaces
- Conversions
- Interface conversions and type assertions
- Generality
- Interfaces and methods
- The blank identifier (FINISHED)
- The blank identifier in multiple assignment
- Unused imports and variables
- Import for side effect
- Interface checks
- Embedding (FINISHED)
- Concurrency (FINISHED)
- Share by communicating
- Goroutines
- Channels
- Channels of channels
- Parallelization
- A leaky buffer
- Errors (FINISHED)
- Panic
- Recover
- A web server (FINISHED)